
Perkiomen Crossing Homeowners Association

How much are HOA Dues?  $95 per month


1.  Any exterior changes to your property require board approval.  Failure to follow this policy will result in a $100 fine.  Any time you make an Architectural change to the outside of your house/yard, it must have approval from the board.  This includes, but is not limited to: Decks (expansion or changes), patios, doors, windows, shutters, color choices, plantings beyond 5' from your house, roofing, and sliding doors.  (permits from the township must be secured before any project can proceed after approval from the board).

2. Pets are to remain on leashes at all times.  Pets are permitted to be tied up outside in the rear of the home only.  Restraints must keep the pet on the private lot and not be able to enter the neighbor's property.  If your dog is tied up and excessively barking, the pet should be brought into your house for the neighbor's consideration. Clean up of all waste from your pet is the owner's responsibility. 

3. Payments of Dues.  The association expects every homeowner to pay their dues on time.  If for some reason, you are having difficulty, the board will work with you to create a payment plan that will help you in the short term.  If you are having a temporary financial situation, please write to the board, via Continental Property Management, for a request to alter your dues payment plan.  Not paying your dues without notifying the board, can result in late fees and in some cases court costs as the association does have a policy of filing a complaint after 90 days of no payment of dues. 

4.  No exterior color changes can be made without board approval. Paint color codes are now available.  Please contact Continental Property Management for the correct codes from Sears.

5.  Are fireworks allowed in the development?  Per Pennsylvania State Law, they are not permitted in the development.

6. Can I send a letter to the Board of Directors Anonymously?  No. Only letters sent from the homeowner will be reviewed and acted upon as per the rules and regulations.  All letters are kept confidential by the Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

7. Is it okay to feed Stray Cats in the community?

Feeding a stray cat is very tempting, especially for a pet lover, but it is not always the right thing to do. A stray, or feral cat, is defined as a cat that is "living in a wild state after domestication." Usually, these cats have been dumped as kittens by people who are not responsible enough to have their parents spayed or neutered or to take care of the kittens themselves. Stray cats can also be those cats that have been lost or that simply live outside and are allowed to roam freely throughout the neighborhood. Feeding these cats can cause trouble for you and your family as well as any cats and dogs that you may have. Feeding these cats can also cause trouble for them as well.

The first and probably the most serious reason for not feeding stray cats is the risk of Rabies. Rabies is defined as "an acute, infectious, often fatal viral disease of most warm-blooded animals that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals." Rabies can be fatal in humans, especially if not caught early enough.

Humans can also catch other diseases from stray cats that they have come in contact with. This would include chlamydiosis which is a respiratory tract infection, skin psoriasis which is a skin irritation, pink eye, lime disease, toxoplasmosis, cat scratch fever, cryptosporidiosis, and campylobacteriosis. None of these diseases is something anyone would choose to have and are prevented by simply not coming in contact with a stray cat.

Parasite transmittal is another reason that feeding stray cats is not a good idea. Hookworms can be transmitted to humans through contact with the cat's saliva or its feces. Roundworms can also be transmitted from stray cats to humans. Fleas are another parasite that can cause trouble for humans and can come from cats. Not only do fleas themselves cause problems, but they can also transmit tapeworms into the human if they are somehow ingested by the human.

The last reason to refrain from feeding stray or feral cats is the likelihood of the cat demonstrating unpredictable behavior. This behavior can come from the cat being in pain which will make it aggressive, plus stray cats are generally wild and are always on the defense. If you happen to catch a stray cat, it may scratch or bite you just trying to get away.

All these previous reasons are why you should not feed a stray cat and what can happen to you if you do decide to feed the cat. But what about the cat itself? Is there a good reason for not feeding the stray cat? What might this reason be? Stray cats have a different diet from pet cats as they can not depend on humans for their food. They do not have food that comes out of a can or out of a bag, or they usually do not. These cats, these stray cats, have to hunt and kill their food or eat what they can find and commercial food like pet cats eat can give them digestive troubles.

8.  Fire pits and chimineas are permitted in Perkiomen Crossing.

Fire pits add drama and beauty to your outdoor space. But fire is fire, and to fully enjoy your fire pit, safety should always be a top consideration. 

Wood Burning Outdoor Firepits should only be used on hard, level non-combustible surfaces such as concrete, rock, or stone.

Wood Burning Outdoor Firepits or Chimineas should not be placed on wooden decks or patios without non-combustible protection underneath.


Please observe the following rules:

1.        Children should not be allowed near fire pits which should be adult-supervised at all times. Never leave the fire unattended.

2.       Always keep a fire extinguisher handy, and make sure it is in good working condition, and not close to its expiration date. Use safety gloves when handling a hot fire pit.

3.       Read the manual that comes with your fire pit and follow the instructions. Call the manufacturer regarding any questions you may have.

4.       Don’t place a fire pit in an enclosed area, as fumes from it can be harmful without proper ventilation.

5.       Use screens for protection from wind and to prevent sparks from flying out. Avoid using a fire pit when it is very windy.

6.       Make sure to extinguish the fire completely once you have finished using it. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions.